Friday 29 May 2009


First of all apologies it's been a bit late in coming!!!

Two weeks ago we all went Sainsbury's on our wildly exciting trip. Inside the bakery we met a man called Roy who showed us how all the expensive machines worked and told us how much they cost. We got to work on baking our sun. With industrial amounts of flour, butter, eggs and sugar. We put all of the ingredients inside an industrial mixer and left them for several minutes to mix. Then we had to wait for the mixture to come together. After we had done this we attempted to pat down the mixture so that it measured 77cm in diameter or roughly 242cm in circumference. Selected students got given a ball of the dough to make the planets. The planets were minute compared to the sun. Mercury and Pluto were almost non-existent. Jupiter was only just about the size of the palm of a hand. Then came the fun part, the customizing. We were all given a plain dough and a chocolate flavoured dough to make our own cookies. The dough tasted really nice when it was cooked. We were shown the special ovens which rotated around to make the cookies bake faster. It warmed up quickly. It took just a few seconds to go to full speed. Whilst the cookies were baking Roy went and got us some orange juice so that we could have a drink in the cafateria set aside for the workers. The Sun tasted really nice in the end. Although it did taste like shortbread! It was a great trip and it gave us all a real insight into what happens behiund the counter.

(Apologies that I don't have any photos so if anyone wants to add some from their phones or cameras then feel free to edit the post)

1 comment:

Mr Wayman said...

No apology needed Joe! I'm really grateful you volunteered to write it. this is a good write up and keeps our blog current and up to date. It is now only three weeks to the next meeting - there's a lot of exciting things planned and we have taken delivery of a K'Nex rollercoaster....!