Tuesday 12 May 2009

Bakery Trip and information

Hello all

Newsletter - For members who are currently unable to attend there is a letter avilable for you with important club information - please get one from JWE in S24. In addition, there is a trip this Thursday which you are welcome to attend - the letter has the details. Finally, if you have ordered a Hoodie (which can be used next year also) you need to collect it and pay the £8 you owe.

Bakery Trip - Just a quick reminder of a few arangements for Thursday. You all need to meet in my room at 1:20pm. We are due at the Bakery at 1:45pm, so there isn't much time to spare. You will need to bring a packed lunch (or get sandwiches at Break) so we can eat them before we get there. Leave room in your stomache for the odd cookie! Please speak to P5 teacher to gfind out what work you will miss and how you will catch up. All members are welcome to come on the trip but don't forget to wear your hoody!

If you have not returned your reply slip you cannot come!!

See you Thursday

Mr Wayman (or 'STAFF' as you now know me!)

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