Sunday 28 June 2009


...... to Evie, Claire and Abi who did a presentation to the school governors (the people who run the school!) last Wednesday about STEM club. They were approached at the last minute (my fault) and gave up time after school to put a powerpoint together before impressing everyone at the meeting with their presentation skills. Everyone their commented on how good the girls were and how fabulous the activities we are completing are. Not only that but they then took a number of questions from the governors about the activities. You should be very proud of how the girls performed. A huge WELL DONE!

On another note - to reiterate what was said last Thursday at STEM club, I presented to about 20 schools who have STEM clubs all about our STEM club and the activities we are doing. I also spoke to the national director of STEM clubs who was very interested in this blog and the contributions you guys are making. So please - keep up the posting and comments and make this something that we can show off, not just to our parents and friends, but schools around the country!

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