Monday, 22 March 2010

ready.. steady...TOWER!

This week in STEM club we got into groups of 2 or 3 and were given the tasking of making a tower. So, suppose it sounds easy doesn't it...? Well... this is STEM club so think again!! Making a tower sounds pretty easy... but when you're given paper, card, masking tape, sellotape, plastic straws, paper art straws and five pounds it becomes harder! Before we could do any building we had to think about the structure design of our towers and once we'd decided on that, we were thinking materials and budgets! This was difficult as somethings were more expensive than others and some also worked better than others. Once everyone had purchased all their materials we began the process of building! (: Working had we all found out what worked and unfortunately what didn't. Some people thought small, some thought big, and some thought really big! Everyone was successful, some more than others. When judgement time came it was obvious who had won, Jordan's team! Their structure was above the height of the roof so we had to judge it on the stairs,where it could actually stand! So a congratulations is in order for Jordan and his team! Well done guys! I think everyone had a good time and we all enjoyed ourselves! (: x

1 comment:

Mr White said...

Good write up Frankie. It was a close thing - there were a couple of towers that were maybe a bit over-ambitious and although they were tall, couldn't stand up! I'll bring in the photos so you can add to the blog.