Thursday 11 March 2010


The tension in the room is building up, as Mr Chew calls the last fifteen minutes, people rush round like its the end of the world, rushing, panicing because its almost time to finish.

People now starting to get eggcited as the time is almost there, some still panicing as they need to add the last few adjustments.

Miffy is now drawing for effect to score points for her group...
Laura is drawing with a marker on her egg to make it look fabulous and score more points for hers, miffys, graces and megans group (we'll have to see what happens, There is NO marks for looks !!!)...
Frankie is putting her building together, her target is to be finished in five minutes...

By Sammie Marriott

1 comment:

Frankiiee.tommoo said...

and i finisheddd :) woooo! that was fantastic that project! loved itt ;Dx