Thursday, 19 November 2009

Fox's Biscuit Factory!

On Wednesday 18th (yesterday), most of STEM club visited Fox's Biscuit Factory in Batley, as part of our biscuit project we are doing until christmas.

During the amazing trip, we had the opportunity to learn about how biscuits were mass produced. This was really helpful to us because in our project we have to design and produce a new biscuit, so of course we needed some inspiration and guidance!

The day started off with a brief introduction on the history of Fox's, then we all got dressed up in our safety clothing (and the occasional beard snood!), ready for our tour.

We all found the tour very interesting, we followed a few production lines all the way from weighing the ingredients out in huuuuge mixers, to seeing them boxed ready to go to supermarkets. Some of us described it as 'How it's Made, only better!' We couldn't belive how great the technology was!

We got loads of ideas as to how to make our biscuits, what kind of ingredients and how our packaging should look, and the various different types of biscuits that were out there.

Thanks to Fox's Biscuits, Richard,Steve and Paul, who managed to get nearly all our questions answered, and were a lot of fun, and taught us a lot!

Also a big thankyou to Miss.Wigglesworth and Mr. White for putting up with us!

But most of all, on behalf of STEM, thank you so much Mr. Wayman for organising this trip! We know it took a lot of effort, and we were very sad that you couldnt come, but thank you so much for giving us this amazing oppertunity to go to Fox's!

By Miffy ( new-ish STEM member)

PS. Wasn't the balloon artist bus driver randomly amazing!!??


Laura Fairbank said...

Yes the trip was amazing! Good write up miff! The factory will be a big help when making biscuits, and I must say the balloon artist coach driver was pretty cool! Laura

Mr White said...

Great write up Miffy - I guess you overcame the problems logging on you had at school. It was a shame Mr Wayman couldn't be with us - thanks for mentioning all the effort he put in.

And good to see the bus driver getting a mention. A very strange man indeed!

Frankiiee.tommoo said...

Yes, I have to say the bus driver was pretty amazing!! I think the visit has made it easier for us to understand how they're made in mass production! Thanks to everyone, especially Mr.Wayman. Miffy i loved the write up:D well donneeee xx

Mr Wayman said...

Nice write up miffffffff! I'll add pictures as soon as Fox's send me some - alternatively if anyone has them on phon then you can email them to me or Mr white and will drop them in the article.

Mr W

Mr Wayman said...

Hmm, Balloons - I'm sure we can think of an experiment - any ideas Stem Clubbers.....??

Joe said...

Hope you had a really great trip, shame I couldn't go though :( hope it was interesting :)