Friday 16 October 2009

Year 10 (and an 11!) STEM Leaders take over...!

Congratualtions to the Year 10's who are undertaking a leadership role in STEM club - and should receive an extra GCSE for it! All the staff (and more) agreed that it was a fabulous session last night due in no small part to the work of our Y10 STEM leaders, and the superb effort of our new group of STEMers. Next week Evie and Beth x 2 will be helping us built some rather bigger 'beach ball coasters'! WOW!

Mr Wayman

PS A video to follow when I've worked out how to do it...!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Eek, sorry I haven't been STEMing yet this year guys, I have been uber busy!! Will hopefully be making it from now on though!! :)