Saturday, 6 December 2008

Building The Rockets :)

This week at STEM club we continued making our rockets. Most of us gluing on the fins and inserting the gunpowder cores into the rockets. This can be a fiddling job but very enjoyable.

We made our fins out of Balsa wood and using the equipment provided by the kit we had to build our gunpowder cores.

Me and my sister Agnes decided to build our rocket with not 3 fins but 6 fins! We think that by having more fins we will have more force to cut through the air consequently giving us a greater height achievement. There are many great designs produced by the students of STEM club here are a few picture to show you.

This is Jordan. Him and his group have an extraordinary unique fin design.

This is our 6 fin rocket. We had to double glue or fins on to ensure they didn't fall off.(not quite finished yet. We will hopefully spray paint it and add the gunpowder core and finishing touches next week.)

This is the engine. The 2 rings on the outside are to hold the gunpowder core in place to fit our tubing as we have a quite a wide tube for the gunpowder core to fit in.

This is "Brigshaw 01". STEM club saw this superb rocket blast off a few weeks back. Its a tough rocket to beat. Once it got to maximum height it was so high it was unvisible to me until it was on its way back down. Over 50foot high it blasted to.

Brent and Jordan happily building their rocket.

Olivia and Agnes working on their rockets.

Olivia, Beatrice, George, Alex, Agnes and Charlotte. :)

Mr Worthy.

Agnes and Beatrice. We had to hold the fins individually each time we glued it so that they wouldn't fall off.

Looking good!

The whole group listing on how to build the gun powder core and how to attach the fins. It's amazing how much you can learn by attending the best after school club on the planet


Agnes said...


Mr Wayman said...

A really well writeen piece about last weeks activities! Well done! Spray painting next week.....

Abbie said...

yep it's the best club and the best blogger and me and claire do look good don't we lol!!

Abigail Lee said...

<<< I agree with Agnes and Abbie...officially the best club on the planet!!!!