Sunday 30 November 2008

Designing rockets part 2

This week at Stem club ( also known as spoff club by many) we followed on from designing our rockets to building them and some tweaking there designs to perfection.

Here are some of the designs members at Stem club designed:

The best of the Beth's- By Beth Roberts and Beth Curtis.

JJ 007 - By John Gan and Joe Smith

Out of this world-

SAS - By Sarah Cooper, Stephanie Stringer and Amy Mellor.

Fiery dragon - By Shane Plunkett, George Firth (Me!) , Alex Jackson and Ross Hope.

Star Stream

I am sorry I couldn't name all the rockets because I didn't know who's was who's.
Also here is a clip of Mr Chew's rocket blasting off !


alex j said...

Fiery Dragons Are the BEST!!!!!

George --------- =[) said...

Firey dragon FTW!!!!!!!

Plz comment on my post. Good or Bad ?

Mr White said...

An excellent write up George. I love the idea of taking photos of everyone's ideas and posting them in the blog. We'll hopefully be launching the rockets not this Thursday but next. Final preparations this week in S4!

Joe said...

No me 'n' John rock. We are so gonna win

Beatrice said...

Like it
brill write up

but cleary mine and agnes' yoshi rocket is going to win!

Beatrice said...
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rossy said...

thts cool n firey dragon r easy gonna win !!