Wednesday 5 November 2008

Diet Coke and Mentos Lauches STEM club

The first ever STEM club met up on Thursday 16th October with a challenge to all the pupils. Who could cause the biggest eruption from a diet coke bottle using Mentos. For those of you who don't know what happens when Mentos and diet coke meet, click here:

After a demonstration in Mr Chew's room we all went outside where pupils were given 4 bottles of diet coke and a load of mentos to play with. After plenty of experimenting everyon was invited to demonstrate their best effort and see whose could erupt the highest. The results were recorded and will hopefully be uploaded here soon.
Some of the practice launches are below:

After deciding on the winning group, Mr White, Mr Wayman and Mr Chew demonstrated their novel ways for getting the highest eruption of diet coke. Mr Wayman's and Mr Chew's were so successful in fact that they got the overhanging edge of the sports hall covered in Diet Coke!
Next week is planned to be rocket launching, this time powered by nothing more than water and air!


jordan said...

this was well fun the 1 mr chew launched should have fired

Ben said...

I wish mr chew's bottle fired off, that would have been gr8!