Tuesday 24 May 2011

Murderous Maths

On Tuesday, 24th of May, STEM hosted an event for the primary year 6 pupils to attend Brigshaw and participate in a fun packed murderous challenge. It was a challenge at first to set up the chairs and equipment! But nevertheless, we had a fun time with the year 6's. Firstly, we had the Brigshaw Murder; who would have guessed Mr Kibble murdered Mr Black, with a revolver? There was one group which finished and got every single detail right; although everyone else had an excellent attempt too. However, the best part, in my opinion, was when Kjarten Poskitt did his presentation. Not only, was this interesting, but it was extremely exhilerating: in essence, everyone gave the thumbs up.

Thank you to Kjarten Poskitt, the Teachers, the Brigshaw Pupils AND the year 6s for making this one of the best events at Brigshaw.


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