Friday, 27 November 2009

planning our biscuits on the 19th

On the 19th of November Brigshaw stem club planned their biscuits.
The choices were few and far between, everyone wanted something different.
Our choices were either a moulded biscuit, a shortbread biscuit or a cookie type biscuit .
Some of the choices included a cone shaped biscuit with cream and chocolate and possibly jam or fruit in the middle. In the last week of the school term we shall be presenting our biscuits to three judges as well as a presentation on market sales etc. On of the judging panel is Paul from Fox's biscuits. Good luck every one !

posted by Dan.Davis


Dan.Davis said...

Sorry about grammer im planning on rewriting during lunch ive always been bad at this sorry Dan

Joe said...

Great right up Dan, hope the biscuit making goes well :)

_JOHN_ said...

Good write up Dan, the biscuits are gonna be great.......=P

Ben said...

Can't wait to make buscuits, gonna be great! XD

jammie said...

The biscuits are gonna be great:-)!