Friday, 16 October 2009

Year 10 (and an 11!) STEM Leaders take over...!

Congratualtions to the Year 10's who are undertaking a leadership role in STEM club - and should receive an extra GCSE for it! All the staff (and more) agreed that it was a fabulous session last night due in no small part to the work of our Y10 STEM leaders, and the superb effort of our new group of STEMers. Next week Evie and Beth x 2 will be helping us built some rather bigger 'beach ball coasters'! WOW!

Mr Wayman

PS A video to follow when I've worked out how to do it...!

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Spaghetti Rollercoaster?!?!

We all had a great time today, because we made "SPAGHETTI ROLLERCOASTERS!!!" there was a fantastic competition between all members of STEM club, but separated into 4 teams...

Joe, Claire and me decided to give prizes to 3 Rollercoaster building groups, 1 for the best looking, 1 for the Rollercoaster who fired the cart(Malteaser) the furthest (Shown above!)and 1 for the best team work. The groups were decided by the pupils, they had to have 2 boys and 2 girls, from all different year groups.

The groups decided to use the "Tetrahedron" shape they had learnt from last week, this idea was very successful and the Rollercoaster builders were on their way to completion, the track of many Rollercoasters was 2 long pieces of spaghetti, that was based on top of a piece of paper/card. This would enable a smooth(not hard) base the malteaser would roll on, after a certain amount of minutes hard work, the builders were ready. We ended the fantastic competition and came to a result. The winner of the Longest traveled malteaser was calculated by working out the MEAN of all 3 attempts which is done by adding, after adding them, you divide by the No. of attempts, then to make it even, we divided the MEAN by the length of the Rollercoaster. The highest number would be the winner.... after working out the scores, we awarded the 3 winners with a BIG box of MALTEASERS...... ( Hmm....chocolate.....) by the way, WELL DONE EVERYONE!!!

First Session

Hey guys!

sorry i did this at the last minute, my computer didnt want me to do it!

we had a great first session back and im saying on behalf of all the year 10, 9 and the new year 8's that every one enjoyed it.
we were making a giant structure and i need to ask Mr White or Mr Wayman the correct name for it so please forgive me for calling it a giant triangular based pyramid out of smaller ones. we made a small one out of 6 garden canes, made a medium sized one out of four of them, a large one out of four of them and a gigantic one out of four of them!!
there were two groups working on this so we used a large amount of canes and rubber bands and they were generously supplied by Mr Wayman who spent over £100 on them!! i think we need to thank Mr Wayman by trying our best (like always of course!) in the next task of this project.

Thank you My Wayman, Mr White and all the Year 10's who helped!

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Pyramid Photo's

Hey guys, Don't Know who's posting the blog this week but I'm just uploading the pictures I took on Thursday whilst everyone was hard at work building the pyramids.