Wednesday, 23 September 2009

New Year - New Activities

Wow - what a fantastic end we had to our first STEM club with a BBQ made by you for me to eat - the best idea yet! Thankyou to all of you for your commitment last year. As a result of meeting your parents and other links we will be having more visits and industry links than we've ever had before!

STEM club sessions will be starting on 8th October once the others teachers have decided on who in Year 8 can be invited to join. We have many exciting projects lined up including possible visits to a biscuit factory (Mmm!) an oil tanker engineering firm and possibly an amusement park - but not before we've attempted to make our own malteaser rollercoaster!!! We will be supported by our fabulous Y10's who this year might be gainging a BTEC in STEM leadership!

We are going to meet at lunchtime on 2nd October- to give you all the details before the first session. Tell your fellow members to check the blog.....

Mr Wayman


Abigail Lee said...

do you know, is it still gonna be on a Thursday??

Mr Wayman said...

Hi Abbie

Well done for looking! Yes, I think it is still going to be on a thursday unless there's lots of people can't make it.