Thursday 15 January 2009

3......2......1......BLAST OFF!!!!!

Today (15th Jan) we set of our gunpowder rockets off. We have been working them for about 6 weeks or so but that's just a guess.

Some of the rockets were great like "Yoshi" which was the only which released it's parachute but others like "BAM" went spiralling away and the fins broke off.

There was a launch point and two points on the field 48metres away and two on the basketball pitches 53 metres away and we took the meaurments from there. Working out the average measurment was a bit harder though. We worked out the tangent for each measurement for each measurement for angle then times it by either 48 or 53. After that we added the height (from the eyes) of the person to the answer. We did that to all of the angles then added all 4 together and divided the answer by 4. That was the average height of the rocket then.

We're going off the topic rockets now and we are moving on to something else. We don't know what yet but we know a few options.

Anyway we all had a laugh even though it was FREEZING outside, especially when have to stand and just measure rockets!!!


Joe said...

I think our rocket did really well! 79.96 metres high

Evie X said...

Our rocket didnt do so well!! all 4 of out fins snapped off hahaha!

alex j said...

Firey Dragon Rocked all of your socks. It even stuck in the ground. WOO!!

Beth said...

Our rocket didnt do too bad, it flew over to Miss Gillespies room in delacy lol

Claire...x said...

I think our rocket did good it went over 95m high so it wasn't that bad.